Mistr dívčí tváře, to je Alice Stroppel.
Veselé, zářivé barvy, perfektně propracované detaily, fantastické náramky a mnoho dalšího najdete v její fotogalerii, blogu a Etsy shopu.
Master of girl face design, it's Alice Stroppel.
Cheerful colors, perfect details, and stunning bracelets may be found in her photo gallery, blog and Etsy shop.
2 komentářů:
Thank you so much for featuring me on you blog Petra, I'm honored. I've never been called a master of anything before...:)
I would say that you have mastered polymer clay, your earthy colors are stunning. thanks again, Alice
Alice: your work is truly masterful so I hope I have correctly used the word MASTER (My English is still very imperfect) :-)